Kazakhstan military launches beauty contest to attract male recruits

Kazakhstan:   Military officials in Kazakhstan have introduced a Miss Army competition in a bid to encourage more people to sign up for duty.

The Kazakhstani Ministry of Defence has chosen 123 of its female soldiers and posted their photos online, where viewers can vote for their favourites.

The photos show the women posing in three poses - with military uniform, with weapons and in civilian clothes - and they have already been viewed over 30,000 times.

A spokesman for the MOD said: "Voting began this week and the competition is open until the 10th of May.

"We’ve been flooded with views and the clear favourite at the moment is Sergeant Aigerim Karakuchukova who is in the lead with over 1,100 votes.

"There is still a long way to go though and anyone could win."

The spokesman revealed that the competition was also open to voters from neighbouring countries, Krygystan, Azerbaijan and Russia.

Voter Nicephorus Bocharov, 34, said: "There are certainly some fine looking women in there, although I’m not sure it would make me want to sign up and fight.

"Still, I am very happy to look at them and imagine what it would be like to take them on in a full on assault."

Another fan, Emil Efremov, 32, said: "I think this is a very good idea.

"After the world was introduced to Borat, people have the impression that everyone here lives on a farm and sleeps with donkeys.

"These photos show that Kazakh women are as beautiful as any others.

"I have voted for all of them."

The MOD spokesman said: "The winner will receive a cash prize and have the knowledge of knowing she is the most beautiful woman soldier in Kazakhstan.

"And hopefully, she'll have the pleasure of knowing she attracted hundreds of young men to join up."