What sexual signal are you sending?

You may naively, wear a ring here, a stud there, or some beads on the waist. But are you aware some of these 'extra body jewellery' have strong sexual connotations? ALLAN OLINGO asks

We are the only species that consciously and deliberately alters its appearance and this has been true throughout human history and will always be so because bodily expression can communicate things which words never can. Body adornment started long ago and still prevails today in many nations and tribes.

Have you wondered why women adorn the waist beads, the ankle bracelets, nose and even the various body piercing?

Is it because of fashion or are they passing a hidden sexual message?

Do men wear studs and earrings to feel sexy or pass a message in silence? And do we understand the misconceptions behind these adornments?

Desire to be sexier

Some psychologists attribute body piercing and adornment to a desire to be sexier. But there can be many reasons, apart from fashion as to why people the world over choose body adornments.

"Some do it to adorn their bodies with jewellery that is personally pleasing, some seek to attract the opposite sex, and some want to boost their self-esteem, some want to show allegiance to a particular group or sect. Some do it just to set themselves apart from a group," notes Frank Pittman of Psychology Today.

He notes that an important factor that contributes to the rising popularity of the body piercing art is that it is considered to be sexy.

Well, these ‘extra body jewellery’ have meaning and naÔve as some of us maybe, some of them do have strong sexual connotations that we as the wearers might not have imagined and might be embarrassed about.

Christians have clear guidelines in the Bible as to how to treat the body. I Corinthians 3:16 states, "Do you not know that you are a temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?" What comes to mind when one thinks of the temple of God? It is to be holy and pure. The verse continues to say that the Lord will destroy those who destroy God’s temple. With that in mind, let’s take a look at the traditional reasoning behind body piercing and adornment and how it has changed over the years to acquire a strong sexual angle.

The waist beads

Traditionally they were used to connote a maiden in her menses. The menses was the beginning of the reproductive cycle of womanhood and admitted girls into the lodge of female mysteries. Waist beads, it is claimed were an excellent tool for spiritual protection as they sealed and closed the circuits of the energetic bodies. Therefore, it is claimed to help one to avoid things such as obsessive spirits or thoughts, invasion of psychic space, and even vampirism.

Today, young women who show their bare midriffs as a fashion statement add waist beads as the latest accessory. In the modern world, its meaning ranges from ‘sharpening’ the hips by making ones waist appear slimmer and bringing out the booty. This many men claim, multiplies the sexual appeal of a woman especially during sex.

Navel/Belly button piercing

Its origins are well rooted in human history. In the time of the Pharaohs in Egypt, only Pharaoh was allowed to have his belly/navel button pierced; it was a sign of wealth and his divine right to the throne. Anyone else caught with such a piercing was sentenced to death. Given that it is an erogenous zone, many people especially in western countries have a silent meaning to it. It is used for sexual attraction and as a source of physical pleasure during sexual acts.

Nipple piercing

It does not have much pre history meaning but it is claimed that both American and British sailors had their nipples pierced as an initiation for having crossed an important latitude or longitude. Though rarely practised, women in the modern times say that the rings enlarge the breasts and keep them in a state of constant excitement. Not only do these rings make the breasts rounder and fuller but also a slight rubbing and slipping of the rings causes a titillating feeling.

Ankle bracelet

Many years ago, in southern Uganda, it was meant to show a woman’s sexual prowess and the more anklets she had on her leg, the better she was considered in bed. In European countries and parts of America, it is worn by prostitutes and swingers to show that they are available’ at the right price, but with the modern times, most women will justify it just as a fashion statement. There are also claims that it indicates that the wearer was ‘sexually available’ for the right man especially if worn in the right leg. There are also those who say that it makes a statement about ones availability or even sexual preference. Wearing it on the left leg means that one is married or involved, and straight while the right one means one is single or a lesbian.

Male earring/stud

The tradition of men wearing earrings dates far back to Indian tribes. Ear piercing was used as initiation tools in religious and cultural initiations and rituals. For many of these primitive Indian tribes, the male earring was a symbol of age, status, wealth and standing within the tribe.

But with the introduction of the pop culture, an earring or stud on the left ear especially for men was construed to mean that the man is straight while one on the right ear was associated with gay men. Men who wear earrings on both ears are depicted as generally confused men who wear thongs too!

In the modern times, most males will pierce their left ear and not their right, because the right ear brings out the perception that one is a homosexual. Some males prefer not to believe in such rubbish and will wear earrings in their right or left or both ears.

It is obvious that the reasons for body decoration and adornment have evolved over the years though some have remained the same. Men and women have attempted to change their bodies in order to fulfil their sexual construct of beauty, to achieve a lot of social obligations and this trendy culture many say is here to stay.

Sexually insecure

What ring do you choose? And having chosen the ring, what finger do you wear it on? What, if any, is the meaning of these choices? Many women just wear rings as a fashion statement without attaching any meaning, yet they do have meanings.

Well, wearing a ring on the thumb means one is self-centred and will go to great length to make themselves happy.

Wearing it on the index finger means one is in charge. Wearing rings on the little finger shows that one is sexually insecure especially in a relationship while having a ring on the middle finger indicates that one is unsure of the personal roles that they have in the society.