
PSC orders county to pay former employee Sh4m for wrongful dismal

Former Public Administration Chief Officer Abidan Kapchanga. [Courtesy]

Bungoma county government has been ordered to pay Sh4 million to a former Public Administration Chief Officer for wrongful dismissal.

The Public Service Commission (PSC) has upheld its earlier decision against Bungoma county government. In a twelve page ruling delivered on November 24, 2024, PSC ordered the county government to pay approximately Sh4 million to Abidan Kapchanga.

The former Public Administration Chief Officer and other officers were interdicted for alleged gross misconduct, abuse of office and corruption allegations.

Kapchanga was dismissed from employment two years ago, immediately Bungoma Governor Kenneth Lusaka, assumed office.

The former chief officer and five other senior county officers appealed the decision before the PSC in accordance with Public Service Commission Act 86 section 4.

The commission notice stated that; “this is to notify you that vide decision delivered on November 20, 2024, the commission considered and allowed the above appeal pursuant to section 86 (4) of the Public Service Commission Act as read together with Regulation 21 of Public service commission (County Appeals Procedures) Regulation 2022, the commission directed the Appellant’s dismissal from employment be submitted with termination of contract as envisaged under section 35 of the Employment Act with effect from the date of this decision.”

The PSC further told the respondents to pay the Appellant one month salary and benefits in lieu of notice.

In addition, the respondents were ordered to pay the appellant the withheld salaries and benefits from August 16, 2023 to the date of the PSC decision.

“The Appellant to be paid six (6) months’ salary as compensation for unlawful dismissal,” the notice stated, adding that the respondent should also issue the Appellant with a certificate of service.