ODM leaders vow to shoot down Cherargei Bill on term limit

ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna (second right)  when he paid a courtesy call on Luo Council of Elders Chairman Ker Odungi Randa at his home in Nyando sub county. [Clinton Ambujo, Standard]

A showdown is looming in Parliament after ODM vowed to shoot down the controversial Constitution of Kenya Amendment (No. 2) Bill, 2024, that seeks to increase elected leaders term limit, saying it is an insult to Kenyans.

ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna, deputy party leader Godfrey Osotsi, Kakamega Governor who is also County ODM Chairman Fernandes Barasa have vowed to reject the proposed law in Parliament.

The Bill sponsored by Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei proposes to increase the term limit of the president, senators, Members of Parliament, governors, and Members of County Assembly (MCAs) from the current five years to seven years.

The leaders were speaking separately during the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) Vihiga branch Annual General Meeting in Majengo and Butere.

Senator Sifuna said he will marshal the party's members in the National Assembly and the Senate to shoot down the Bill.

"In every market, there is always a mad man and so in Parliament, we also have some. You can't wake up and state that you want to increase the term limit," said Sifuna.

"As the Secretary General of the ODM party, I know we are satisfied with the constitutional given five-year term, and as leaders, we should embrace it and that after it we go back to the electorates to give us another chance or not," he added.

Senator Osotsi said the controversial Bill, was fronted by one individual and stands no chance to be passed by the majority.

He insisted that the current five-year term provides sufficient time for office holders to implement policies.

"We are not ready for drama, five years is enough for leaders to perform their duties," said the lawmakers.

Barasa explained that the move to increase the term limit will be a major setback to the 2010 Constitution which dictates that elected leaders should serve for five years and can be re-elected for a second term

“We want to tell the mover of the motion that let us not amend the Constitution, the president was elected for five years and if he does a good job then can be re-elected. Same to us Governors, if we do a good job then we can be elected to serve a second term,” he said. 

The county boss acknowledged that the 2010 Constitution has been effective for almost 14 years and any changes to the same should be people-oriented. 

“I know Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei is just tasting the waters because the Constitution is clear. As ODM chairperson for Kakamega County I strongly oppose that proposal,” he said. 

Cooperatives Cabinet Secretary Whycliffe Oparanya opposed the proposal saying it would cause unrest in the country

Oparanya said the proposal does not seek to address any of the challenges revolving around the cost of living being witnessed in the country. 

“The Kenya Kwanza government which I currently serve has an elaborate plan for citizens and the proposal has no impact on our plans. Increasing the term limit for elected leaders has no impact on development,” he said. 

Kakamega Deputy Governor Ayub Savula questioned the rationale for the proposal saying, “we don’t want Museveni’s in this country, the solemn power belongs to the people, and the people want elected leaders to serve for five years and not seven years.”

This comes as thousands of Kenyans shared their memorandums with the Senate rejecting the Bill.

The Senate revealed that it has received more than 200,000 written memorandums from Kenyans submitting their views on the Bill.

The window for public participation on the controversial Bill was closed on October 25, 2024.

This is the second attempt to alter the presidential term limit since President William Ruto was elected in 2022 and the first attempt was fronted by Fafi MP Farah Yakub.

Yakub had proposed the removal of the term limit and instead replaced it with an age limit of 75 years.

President Ruto was among those who opposed the move and promised to be at the forefront in the future to do the same in case any attempt to increase term limits was brought forward.

The controversial Bill also proposes the creation of the office of the Prime Minister who will be appointed by the president.