Man claims stepmother used witchcraft to stop him from marrying

Police officers in Navakholo Constituency, Kakamega County are holding a man accused of killing his stepmother for allegedly using witchcraft to prevent him from marrying.

The 32-year-old identified as Boniface Wesonga is said to have stabbed his stepmother with a knife and machete to death for going to a sorcerer to prevent him from getting a wife.

Navakholo OCPD Christopher Kirui confirmed the incident and told The Standard that the suspect is in police custody and he is waiting to be arraigned.

“The incident happened on Sunday, and we received the report that a man by the name of Boniface had killed his stepmother over family matters. I sent my officers to the scene, they arrested the suspect and he admitted that he killed the woman, and we are holding him waiting to be taken to court anytime from now,” said Kiirui.

The Sub-County Police Commander said the man had been living with his stepmother while his father is serving a jail term sentence for alleged defilement.

According to the deceased's son, Geoffrey Amimo, his brother, not long ago sought his advice after he complained of restlessness at night over what he termed being disturbed by evil spirits at night only for him to stab his mother to death.

“He came to me while at work and told me that he needed to be assisted on how to handle the issue and I told him to look for a preacher and seek prayers if he is being disturbed by demons at night,” said Amimo.

Joan Amimo, a daughter of the deceased, said a week ago his brother had lamented and accused their mother of being behind his woes of not getting married and being disturbed by demons at night before he attacked her on Mashujaa Day.