Two killed, several injured in bus and tanker accident in Busia

Khalid Saidi, the bus conductor, blamed the tanker's driver. "The tanker was moving a little too fast and nearly hit a motorcyclist. It was when the driver swerved to avoid hitting the motorcyclist that he rammed into us. My driver had moved off the road to give him room, but it was too late," he said.

The tanker hit the side of the bus which toppled over and caught fire. Inquiries at the Tahmeed office in Busia confirmed eight passengers had been booked on the bus.

"We were behind the market when a large billow of black smoke caught our attention. We rushed to the scene, saw the accident, and managed to rescue seven victims before the bus burst into flames," he said Tony Ojiambo, who was among those who went to rescue the victims.

The victims were taken to a police vehicle that took them to hospital.

Busia Acting Medical Superintendent Emma Namulala said the hospital had received eight survivors who were being attended to.

"We received two casualties whose bodies are already in the morgue. From the reports we received, the two were the tanker's driver and co-driver. We also received eight survivors who are under treatment," said Dr Namulala.

The fuel tanker that was involved in a crash on the Busia - Kisumu road. [Benjamin Sakwa, Standard]

Bus driver Bonface Katua lay in hospital with multiple fractures on his bed. His co-driver sustained cuts and suffered soft tissue injuries.

Namulala said the patients are stable except one whom the hospital was making arrangements to transfer to Moi Referral and Teaching Hospital in Eldoret for specialized treatment. Most of the patients, including an eight-year-old girl, sustained fractures and soft tissue injuries.

Dr Wilberforce Lusamba, the Chief Officer, of Medical Services said: "The patients were receiving the care they need. One patient has already been taken to the theatre. Surgeons who were on leave have been recalled to attend to the victims. We appeal to private hospitals where those injured have sought help to attend to them."

Busia County Secretary Oscar Juma praised the county rescue teams for acting in time to prevent a worse disaster. Although the bus and cabin of the tanker were reduced to shells by fire, the tanker did not explode.

"Our rescue teams, including private water bowsers acted fast and professionally to put out the fire," he said.