Protests cloud William Ruto's tour of Kisii and Vihiga

Two weeks ago, ahead of today's visit, Ruto's party - UDA - officials and grassroots members held a meeting in Kisii to kick off the party mobilisation exercise.

Other than the government development agenda, the ruling party is also seeking to penetrate the Gusii region, an area that ODM leader Raila Odinga has had an influence on for almost two decades.

The President has incorporated a number of leaders from across the political divide in his quest to galvanise the region that has in the past been regarded as a swing vote.

The party has already received key former ODM officials including Kisii Governor James Ongwae and former Woman Rep Janet Ongera.

Some Azimio-allied MPs from the region including the Nyaribari Masaba MP Dr Daniel Manduku (ODM) and his West Mugirango Steve Mogaka (Jubilee) argue that they will work with the government for the benefit of the electorate.

"Being in opposition doesn't mean that we oppose everything that comes from the government side. Some of the plans by the Government are being implemented for the good of our people. We don't just demonstrate for the sake of anything and everything," said Dr Manduku.

Nyaribari Chache MP Zaheer Jhanda says the party has been felt in Kisii. "All we need to do is put more energy in mobilising our people to register as party members by assuring them that they are part of the Kenya Kwanza government."

The President will also launch several projects in Vihiga county today

Yesterday, lawmakers from Vihiga led by Amani National Congress (ANC) Secretary General Omboko Milemba indicated that the tour is purely developmental.

"We welcome the head of state to our region, we hope to have a developmental talk that will uplift the lives of our people," said Milemba.

The president is expected to launch the Sh1.7 billion Vihiga Water Cluster Project which was funded by donors in conjunction with the government.

Over 300,000 families are set to benefit from the multi-million water project that covers the entire county.

"The locals are excited with the mega project that is aimed at giving residents access to clean and safe water," said Milemba.

It took the intervention of the donors to revamp the project that was started more than five years ago but stalled due to financial challenges.