
Strange thieves turning Vihiga churches into toilets

Church of GOD East Africa Right Reverend Raphael Muyela (left) leading a cleansing ceremony at Mumbita church on November, 9 after unknown people broke in and stole for defecating in the pastor's office. [Courtesy]

Church leaders from Vihiga County have warned a group of thieves who defecate in churches to repent.

They were reacting to rampant cases of people breaking into churches and relieving themselves inside them.

On Tuesday, faithful of Mumbita Church of God who reported for morning devotion prayers were left in shock when they found the church open and soiled.

As they began to take stock of the items in the church, one of them stumbled on human waste.

The burglars had relieved themselves inside the senior pastor’s office after ransacking the premise on Sunday night.

Mary Odeko, a pastor at the church, said looting and defecating in churches were unfortunate and unacceptable.

"I was informed about the breakage into our church, and to add salt to injury, the burglars soiled our place of worship. We ask God to forgive and change their ways," she said.

They stole 40 litres of paint, among other items, according to the pastor.

"There were no signs of forced entry. Inside the church, there were human wastes, remains of burnt cigarettes and a spotlight," she said.

A cleansing ceremony was organised by the faithful on Tuesday, where pastors prayed for the culprits.

"We reached out to the head office and reported the incident before we decided to carry out a prayer session and rededicate the church to God," said Odeko.

Rev Raphael Muyela of Church of God East Africa (Kenya) demanded that those responsible to repent.

"This act is a pure curse. Those involved should come out clean and seek mercy from God," said Rev Muyela.

It was not the first time poop had been discovered in churches in Vihiga.

Three churches in Mwibona in Luanda, including Wemilabi Church of God, were also broken into, and the criminals made away with property worth thousands of shillings.

In August, a similar incident was reported at Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) St Mark's, Emako parish. Property worth Sh150,000 was stolen, and the thieves relieved themselves inside the church.

Joash Owila, head of the parish, asked the suspects to repent and warned the perpetrators against breaking into churches.

"We should pray for these youths who could be using drugs such as bhang," said Kennedy Omuterema, a resident of Luanda Town.