Busia Deputy Governor Moses Mulomi and Governor Sospeter Ojaamong in Busia town on November 28, 2018. [Photo, File]
All projects being funded by cash the county government received from the Kenya Devolution Support Programme (KDSP) will be completed by June 30, 2019, Deputy Governor Moses Mulomi has said.
He was addressing media after a meeting with county officials on how the projects will be implemented.
Departments that received a portion of the Sh553 million grant the county bagged after emerging the best in public service delivery are Health, Roads, Water and Agriculture.
Mulomi said the county was racing against time to complete the Accident and Emergency Unit and install elevators, High Dependence Unit, Maternity and New-born Unit at the county referral hospital to prevent residents from seeking ICU services outside the county.
Currently the county does not have a functioning ICU, something that has forced patients to be transferred to the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH) in Eldoret, which is more than 100km from Busia.
At least four subcounty hospitals will also get a facelift, including Kocholia, Sio Port, Nambale and Khunyangu.
“The county is committed to completing projects being funded by money from the KDSP on time,” said Mulomi.
The deputy governor said part of the money will be used in rehabilitating the referral hospital, including installation of security surveillance.
At least two cases of a baby stolen from a maternity ward and a patient that got lost while in the ward were reported at the referral hospital.