Hi Chris,
I’ve had some bad times, but recently, I’ve started to feel overwhelmed by my problems. My friends have suggested that I might need help. But how do I know if they’re right?
Chris says,
Hi Overwhelmed!
You may sometimes feel very angry or sad. Or the future may seem bleak. Or you’re indecisive and avoid doing things.
Maybe you’ve had a death in the family, a break-up, a trauma or a redundancy and can’t seem to get over it.
Maybe you feel empty or confused and can’t understand where these feelings are coming from. Perhaps after a divorce or career change. Or maybe you’ve felt this way all your life.
You may have headaches, muscle aches, stomach pains or a reduced sex drive for no apparent reason. Or maybe you’ve been drinking more, taking drugs, overeating or losing your appetite. These can all be signs of underlying problems that need to be addressed.
Maybe you can’t concentrate or are struggling at work. These are all signs of deeper emotional problems.
Perhaps you’ve lost interest in activities you used to enjoy, such as socialising with friends or family. Or you may feel a lack of purpose. Maybe you’re struggling in your relationships.
If any of these things sound like you, you should consider counselling. A good counsellor will help you to identify the problems and how you can deal with them. Because while you may feel completely alone in your difficulties, experienced counsellors will see the patterns and understand the underlying issues. And will help you learn new skills.
Counselling can help with a wide range of problems and relationship issues. It’s not just for couples on the brink of separation. Many couples see a counsellor to help them increase their happiness together. Most people only need one or two sessions. Sometimes, just one sentence can change your whole life.
Good counsellors are easy to talk to, non-judgemental, compassionate and accepting. And unlike your friends, they’re completely impartial and will keep your secrets!
They also understand how hard life can be and will help you find strategies to make you happier and more successful.
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