Mental health: You need to take it easy

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Why you need rest (Photo: iStock)

We have so much going on in our lives by the time we get home we crash and sleep almost without any effort. After a hard day, you are not just tired. You feel drained and despite sleeping through the whole night, you still haven't recovered and you can still feel some fatigue in the background.

That right there is a cue from your body that you need to rest. Rest is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle and has numerous physical, mental and emotional benefits. When the body and mind are given sufficient rest, they are better equipped to perform at optimal levels leading to improved overall well-being. That however has been a struggle for many of us who have busy lives.

You're finding it difficult to get motivated, you're stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, you have difficulty concentrating, making decisions have become a challenge and in some instances, you are not even completing tasks. The right thing to do at that point is to take a break, even for just a few minutes, to help you refocus and regain energy.

Failure to recognise what your body is telling you will soon manifest as physical symptoms. Headaches, muscle aches or digestive issues may pop up. And if you're at home, the best remedy you assume is to get some sleep, right? Well, it actually depends.

According to Dr Saundra Dalton-Smith, M.D., sleep isn't the only kind of rest we need. In her viral TED talk, she reveals that there are different types of rest, seven to be precise, that can't be fulfilled just by sleeping. ''Rest is the most underused, chemical-free, safe and effective alternative therapy available to us.'' She puts it.

Creative rest for instance allows you to do something you enjoy without really immersing yourself. This could be something as simple as taking a nature walk or spending a weekend with family. Short breaks throughout the day or taking a day or two off will help you decompress.

And if you really feel the urge to sleep, do it without any interruptions and put aside distractions such as your phone to give your body enough time to repair itself. A good massage and other self-care habits can also go a long way into finally allowing your body to get the rest it really craves.