
DIY: Ten life hacks every college student in Kenya should know

‘College are the best years of your life’

As you have fun and experience what college is all about, it is important you know how to get along and cope with ten campus environment.

Here are some simple life hacks to help you survive in college:

- Save time studying by listening to recorded lectures at twice the speed.

- Build up your GPA in the beginning semesters when classes are easier.

- For an easy breakfast, make scrambled eggs in the microwave using a coffee mug.

- Invest in a laptop lock.

- Stop rampant pen hijacking by hiding a blue ink cartridge in a red pen.

- When it’s hot out, hang a damp towel hung over an open window to cool down a stuffy dorm room.

- If you’re a heavy sleeper, putting your phone into a glass will amplify the sound.

- When giving a presentation, set up a friend to ask you a question that you already know the answer to.

- Re-heat pizza in a microwave with a glass of water. It prevents toppings from going dry and keeps the crust crusty.

- If your laptop is overheating on your lap, flip an egg tray over and set the laptop on top.