
DP Ruto’s speech at the Devolution Conference in Kakamega excites Kenyans

Deputy President William Ruto’s speech at the fifth Annual Devolution Conference in Kakamega has sparked a lot of reactions online.

Speaking during the conference, DP Ruto warned counties on spending money they didn’t have and urged the counties to stop overcommitting on resources.

He spoke on a number of issues, from the importance of devolution to sustaining good relationships between counties.

And the most painful quote of 2018. "There are issues we can sort out without any reference to any referendum "-William Ruto— raffeigah (@raffeigah1) April 26, 2018

The way to support a government is to criticise it when it goes wrong. Those who criticise us are our supporters. They just want us to do the right thing. -William Ruto . Fine why can't Ruto unblock every critic he blocked on twitter #DevCon2018

— salome (@Salomelugard) April 26, 2018

The magic of devolution, after all, is in service delivery. That is what Kenya needs. That is what our people want - William Ruto
I'm hoping all this speeches can now turn into action #KHRCandDevolution

— Shikoh Kihika. (@Shikohkihika) April 26, 2018

William Ruto: "...being a deputy is not easy. You have to balance between your ambition and serving your boss. Supporting your boss/governor is not a weakness"

Well said Hustler!— Sandrah (@Sandrahnk) April 26, 2018

On behalf of the government I pledge to support devolution, William Ruto contradicting Raila #DevCon2018

— salome (@Salomelugard) April 26, 2018