How criminals have upped their game to counter the CCTV surveillance in major towns in Kenya

The Government of Kenya having realised that the rate of crime rate has really increased in major towns in Kenya, they opted to install CCTV cameras to counter the increasing criminal cases.

For quite some time now this seems to be working well.On the other hand, criminals have upped their game to also counter the installation of CCTV cameras.

For instant when some robbers want to strike they follow their targeted person and then strike where there are no CCTV cameras and when you report the case to the police it becomes hard for them to follow.

Also, criminals have decided to follow people up to where they stay and they rob them or kill some of them just before they enter their compound or apartments.

Some of them go head to collude with the security guards who guard some of the premises so that they can aid them while carrying out their missions.

In addition, criminals have resorted to approaching people on a friendly note and before you know it they use their sweet language to con you.A good number of people have been sold property that doesn't belong to the seller.

When relocating some have given their several month rent and deposit to a fake house agent who later on disappears.

 On the other hand, some pretend to be hawkers who in return drug customers before stealing from them. A lot of people have been drugged as they try to purchase goods from thieves who pose as hawkers.

It has also been noted some robbers pose as motorists who have a mechanical problem and stop other motorists only to rob them as they stop to offer assistance.

The clever ones go ahead to use black magic to steal from people. They either greet you or engage you in a conversation and before you know it they steal from you without your knowledge.