President Uhuru ‘brother’ talks about what is always separating them and how it began

The families of President Uhuru and his ‘brother’ relate well, partying together, visiting each other and even giving each other support at an hour of need.

Raila Odinga has always referred to Uhuru Kenyatta as my brother because of the relationship their families have had for a very long time.

Raila has always hinted that there is no single day him and Uhuru Kenyatta are going to harm one another.

He has rubbished claims that he will revenge aginst Kenyatta’s family to what Mzee Jomo Kenyatta did to his father.

Speaking to the Standard on Monday Raila said that competition for power over the years has seen the two families perceived as fierce rivals by Kenyans to point that they think that they are going to tear the country apart.

According to Raila they love and respect each other as ‘brothers’ they even call each other every now and then whereas Kenyan think they are enemies.

“ When things are tough the President calls me, I also call we talk and get together, So as Kenyan let us not fight one another on tribal lines,” said Raila

He urged Kenyan not to be divided by the campaign heat because there is no other country that can replace Kenya if they burn it.

It said that Mzee Kenyatta and Jaramogi relationship turned sour when the two differed politically leading to Jaramogi’s detention.

Jaramogi was put under house arrest in 1969 when rowdy youth disrupted Kenyatta’s rally as he was opening the e New Nyanza General Hospital.

 This happened because Luo Nyanza was still tense following the assassination of Tom Mboya.

It made matters worse after Mboya’s assassin was identified as Mr. Nahashon Njenga from Kiambu something that caused enmity between the Luos and Kikuyu’s that time.Tom Mboya outside a Nairobi pharmacy on July 5, 1969.