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I have been walking through the streets of Moi University and I realized that there is this behavior which all call attention seeking. Today I will talk about my boys, forgive me for doing this.
First all talk about your hair styles, those boys with shaggy hair colored in some shouting colors like blonde and white, boys I call this attention seeking.
Dressing, those boys who wear some torn tortured unfinished clothes in the name of swag, some with some funny color combination like a yellow t -shirt with a grey trouser, my brother you are seeking attention.
Those boys who hang out with some big techno tablets playing some loud hip-hop music, not knowing that earphones costs as cheap as sh.100. I think you are seeking attention.
Those boys who communicate in some cheap slang with your buddies along the academic highway usually some faked hip-hop accent or the Jamaican patois, I think you are seeking attention.
Like ladies’ company
Lastly, those boys who don’t do boys company, you will see them hanging out with those bad yellow yellow girls wearing some “handkerchief’s” walking is threesome boss you are seeking attention
I am sorry my boys, I apologize am also a victim of circumstance.