Maybe some people are just not meant to survive in this world.

Have you ever met someone  whom  by all sense and purpose does not know how to relate with other human beings.Well I have, and in some sense I might be that person.For this to work however we will work under the notion that it is someone else.

Human beings are social beings; this is according to amassed knowledge by various scholars. oither people however do not subscribe to this notion socialization can not only be tiring but it may also border along the lines of being called a vice.

Introverts , extroverts and ambiverts are terms used to describe how a person choses to conduct themselves but I find this descriptions limiting : I believe people behave in accordance to their environment hence the varience noted in the way one behaves but this is just my opinion .

I have seen people try to make themselves repulsive in all possible ways  just so people can avoid them. Is repulsive too much a word for this statement ? For lack of another word I shall still use repulsive. This is not to refer to their physical appearance but more inclined to the personality. I have a friend who believes she should have been born in another time , the era however she thinks is accepting of who she is eludes her.

She diagnoses herself with psychologoical disorders and in turn she actually sticks to her guns stating that she actually suffers from them. Who wants to be associated with a person who is border line crazy ? There is a certain doseage of crazy that each person can take in hers superceeds the required amount atleast thats what she tells herself.

People can be persistent, you say ‘NO’ they hear maybe , even with her confusing nature their are people who want to see past that ‘wall’ she has put up. I tend to think once someone shows you who they are do not bother trying to solve it let them be . These are the kind of people who want to be alone but they do not want to be alone does it make sense? Well it is not meant to be clear but after a second read you might get it.

She does not fear expressing herself even if it is not understable she will say it .Her guiding factor is that fear is an unproductive filter to view the world from. I do not believe her even for a second, she is very afraid and someone needs to tell her that.

One thing however is that I am letting her be. This world might not be for her. She can only change if she wants to but as of now she is adamant on her choice to be unacceptable to society I shall end with a quote from Chimamanda because what is literary work without paying tribute to literature gurus:“You can't write a script in your mind and then force yourself to follow it. You have to let yourself be.”