Uhuru should stop lying to the Senate — Murkomen

Elgeyo Marakwet Senator Kipchumba Murkomen on Tuesday afternoon accused President Uhuru Kenyatta of lying to the Senate.

Speaking during a Senate sitting, Murkomen said if the President considered him as a stumbling block then he should now deliver to Kenyans after getting him out of the way.

“The President is already a big man. I am just but a son of a squatter… I want to tell the President to now deliver. Murkomen is out of the way.

“If I was your stumbling block...deliver for the people of Kenya,” he said.

His sentiments did not sit well with Siaya Senator James Orengo who asked him to immediately withdraw his allegations as they were contrary to the standing orders of the senate.

Murkomen quickly responded by saying he was within the debating rules adding that he hopes his removal as the Senate majority leader will improve the relationship between senate and the national assembly.

“I will remain focused on the rule of law and defending people of Elgeyo Marakwet. I want to tell my adversaries to celebrate but I will be coming back big,” he remarked.

This comes after President Kenyatta chaired a Jubilee Senate Parliamentary Group meeting which proposed changes in the top Senate positions.

 The State House meeting, which also included KANU leaders, resolved to replace Murkomen with West Pokot Senator Samuel Poghisio as the Senate Majority Leader.

His Nakuru counterpart Susan Kihika, who held the position of Senate Majority Chief whip, has since been de-whipped and replaced by her deputy, Murang’a Senator Irungu Kangata.

In the meeting, Nominated Senator Fatuma Dullo Adan from Isiolo County was also picked as the Deputy Majority Leader, and Nominated Senator Farhiya Ali Haji was settled on as the Deputy Majority Chief Whip.