If you see an insect you suspect might be a locust, take a picture — CS Kiunjuri

Agriculture CS Mwangi Kiunjuri on Friday asked members of the public to take pictures of insects they suspect to be locusts and share on social media.

Kiunjuri stated that once the photos have been positively identified the government would take appropriate action.

He revealed that the first swarm of locusts entered the country in late December but several experts had been consulted on how best to deal with the menace.

"We have managed to spray several large swarms and today the government has deployed a second spraying aircraft to Isiolo.

"We have identified elders, chiefs, county commissioners and community leaders who we are working with to report and we are also training people to deal with the locusts," he stated.

Adding: "It is important that we alert all Kenyans that not all grasshoppers are desert locusts. We need to avoid spreading alarm about the spread of locusts which is diverting attention from other critical areas.

“Locusts are mobile. We can attack a swarm in motion but it is a difficult task. The best option is to attack them when they are immobile-in the evening, at night.”

However, his closing remarks got netizens talking after he called on Kenyans to take pictures of insects they suspect to be locusts and upload on social media for verification.

“If you see any insect that you suspect could be a locust, take a picture and post on social media so we can confirm for you what insect it really is,” he remarked.

Here are some of the photos netizens sent for verification: