
Family's desperate plea after baby girl suffocates to death under teddy bear

The family of a baby girl who suffocated to death under a teddy bear has made a desperate plea on the anniversary of her death.

Little Connie Rose was found by her horrified mum, Dexy-Leigh Walsh, a year ago this month after she passed away in her bed.

The 18-month-old suffocated under a large teddy, which had been stuffed down the side of her bed to stop her from falling.

Her grieving mum later took to social media to beg other parents: "Please move everything off your kid’s bed and away from the sides."

And this week, Connie Rose's brave relatives have made a fresh appeal on the first anniversary of her death, the Daily Record reports.

They have highlighted their campaign to warn parents about the dangers of putting children to sleep with stuffed soft toys.

Speaking at a family gathering this week, the toddler's gran Vicky Walsh said: “This is a very sad time for us.

“We have gathered as a family to celebrate the life of Connie Rose. We also want to use the occasion to highlight the campaign.

“If this can save the life of one other child, then Connie Rose won’t have died in vain.”

She added: “We used to call her our Bonnie Connie. She was a wee soul with a big character. We miss her dreadfully.”

Connie Rose, described as a "little princess" by her mum, suffocated under the teddy at her home in Dundee, Scotland, last March.

She was discovered the next morning by Dexy-Leigh, 24.

The bear had been put down the side of the youngster's bed to prevent her falling between the mattress and the wall.

Describing her heartache on social media at the time, Dexy-Leigh said: "On March 6, 2018 at 8.01am, my life changed.

“I have been blaming myself as she passed away due to suffocation as I had packed down the side of her bed with teddies and placed a big one on top of the smaller teddies to stop her from falling down the side of her bed.

“Please move everything off your kid’s bed and away from the sides.

“I really hope my little princesses tragic story can save someone else baby’s life (sic).”

She also posted a video on YouTube paying tribute to her daughter, saying the tragedy had left everyone in the family “broken”.

Since her death, precious Connie Rose has already made a difference.

Speaking of her granddaughter's legacy this week, Vicky said: “We've had people approach us and say as soon as they read about Connie Rose they made sure they removed toys from their child’s bed.

“That’s all we can ask for, that some good comes out of our tragedy.”