
CEO’s son excels in a public primary school

It is a common assumption that children of senior executives school in expensive institutions.

A common joke laughs about children school in venues that host presidential debates, and those who go to schools used as voting centers.

Fernandes Barasa, the chief executive officer at electricity Distribution Company Ketraco decided that a 'school used as a polling station' was good enough for his first-born son, Thorne Kasili Barasa.

Fate recently proved him right when the candidate emerged third best in Western province with 437 marks out of a possible 500. Engineer Barasa who has been at the helm of Ketraco for two years says: "It was our choice for him to go to a public school because we wanted him to have a 360 degrees appreciation of humility as a virtue by interacting with kids from humble backgrounds."

He says both him and his wife attended public schools and managed to rise to the pinnacle academically and professionally. "I am a civil servant and my wife is a civil servant, teaching at a public university. We should lead from the front by placing trust in public schools. We could have taken him to any other school but we chose a public school like thousands of parents whose kids attend public schools and we aren't disappointed. It is proof that government schools actually deliver," says Barasa. 

"It wasn't an issue about a public school or private school. I went to school to get educated and if I was getting educated, I really didn't care about other things. We had good teachers and facilities just like any other school. In the end, it all came down to the effort every pupil puts in their studies," says Thorne, who came top in public speaking nationally during this year’s drama festival.

Barasa's mother, Dr Janet Kisili Barasa, a professor at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology says Thorne has always been an exemplary performer since childhood. 

"He has a steely determination and steady focus. So had it been a public school or private school or even a school abroad, he still would have performed well. We thank God for his grace."

"My husband went to Khaunga Primary School in Kakamega and Mabanga Primary School in Bungoma County and I was in Chekulo Primary School in Bungoma. All that mattered is that we passed our exams. So Mumias Central Primary was good enough for our son. We have faith in public schools since that’s the journey we traveled along during our times," she says.

Thorne's head teacher Francis Obwamu at Mumias Central Primary School says the boy has set a record in the school.

"We have never had such a performance. He is destined for greatness. The first day he set foot in the school, we thought we were stuck with a spoilt brat because of his background but he pleasantly surprised us. No one could even know he comes from an affluent background, not even the teachers. He was disciplined and a focused student and that is all that mattered to help him excel," says the head teacher.