
VIDEO: Woman Rep and husband locked out of hotel for lacking marriage certificate

Laikipia Woman Representative Catherine Waruguru and her husband Wakili Kiget were locked out of Sunshine Hotel in Kericho town for failure to produce a marriage certificate.

Waruguru said she felt embarrassed as the hotel management had kept her waiting to more than an hour.

“As a leader I feel that I have been embarrassed and kept here for more than an hour trying to seek the attention of the manager and no one has answered my question,” said Waruguru.

In 2014, the Laikipia Woman Rep had said that she had no issue with polygamy and being a second wife.

According to the owner of the hotel Mr James Mwangi every married couple has to produce a certificate to book a room.

“Every couple has to produce a marriage certificate to book a room. Some managers even threatened to quit, saying the rules denied the hotel more clients, but I stood my ground. I said I would rather lose them than cave in to spoil family morals that my dad warned me against, “said Mwangi as quoted by the Nation in the past.

Here's the video https://www.facebook.com/nobert.bii.7/videos/1031291097028784/