
10 major reasons why university students fail exams

Students go to university to gain knowledge and skills which will help them in their future, but success in exams depends on several factors. Failure in exams are usually caused by these factors:

1. Laziness: Laziness is the reason as to why students fail exams. A lazy students finds it difficult to finds it difficult to read, attend classes, do assignments and also put less interest in doing research.

 2. Over-Confidence: Some students who pass exams often assume that they know everything thus they study less or not at all assuming that they know everything, these over-confidence experience result in student failing exams as student encounter topics which they have less knowledge or no knowledge at all making them to fail exams.

3.Poor reading habit: Students understand topics after reading in different manners,some are able to store in their mind what they have read while other find it difficult to do so as some do cramming in which all they have read vanishes once they are in exam room. Some do skimming instead of reading which make them difficult to pass exams.

 4.Poor course or faculty selection: Some students fail exam due to poor course or faculty selection which makes student to find it difficulty catching up with the course when things get difficulty.

 5. Perceptions: Some students have perceptions that they will fail the exams even when they have not yet sat for it. This mind set makes the student to fail the exam in the event.

6. Lack of concentrations: Some students put less concentrations on their study due to the fact that they are too much engaged in other activities such as being involved in campus sport activities, these make them have less time in academic matters causing the student to fail exams.

7. Friends: Friends also matter to the success in your exams.Some students are influence by peer pressure such that they do most of the things which their friend does at the expenses of concentrating in their exams making them to fail exams.

8. Finance: Some students fail exams due to financial issues.Insufficient finance makes student to miss classes this make them to fail exam since they will not have understood some of the topic set in the exam. Financial matters also makes student not to be able to purchase some of the resources or material used for studying purposes making them to fail exams.

 9.Tutor influence: Having good tutors will make most of students to pass exams since they will be able to understand easily unlike being taught by uninterested tutor which make the students to be less interested with the subject making them to fail exams.

10. Procrastination: Procrastination makes students to fail exams,since instead of doing correct thing or study at correct time, they postpone for very long time till the exam approaches when they have no knowledge about it due to procrastination making them fail exams.