Are you single? Here are five key qualities people look for in a partner

Do you think your look is what matters for a proper relationship? If you think it's this way then you are wrong. Your looks may matter too but it is what is behind your look that matters more for serious relationships. Below are some of the proven attractive qualities that people look for in partners;


Being ever optimistic is a good quality that is enough to make someone choose you for a serious relationship. Be that person he/she looks forward to seeing so that his/her day can be complete. Think positive and bring happiness to your partner's face. Make them feel happy so that they can make you feel happy too.


It doesn't take your look on the outside to appear kind, it takes what's in your heart for people to see the kindness in you. Be kind so that your partner can find you worth a lifetime commitment. Show him/her that you truly care not just about them but also the people around you.


Exercise self-confidence, feel good about yourself and make your partner and people around you feel the same. Influence them with your confidence and make them see how capable you are. This will help build romantic atmosphere and romantic success for the two of you.

True to your words

When connecting with someone new you need to show them that you are always true to your words. When you say 'I will be there in a short while', 'I will call you later today' make it happen. If you can't stay true to your words then why would you think you are worth someone's time?

Show genuine interest

Everybody wants to feel truly wanted. When you meet someone new, you have to make him/her feel listened to. Listen to what he/she has to say. Ask engagement questions and give out your ears (listen actively) during your conversations. Show him or her that indeed they are the type you have been seeking for.