
Funniest unemployment quotes to keep you less worried

Doing nothing sucks. Whether your parents don’t object to you being idle, you just can’t overcome the feeling of not being man enough. We are just wired to be hunters and gatherers.

To gather enough for our yet-to-be-born children lest they languish in poverty and end up in the streets. But to the fellow jobless graduates waking up every day to go knocking in the offices, it’s not easy.

Many a times they are turned down. Even that watchman to that new startup company knows you. Amidst this frustration, I have got the funniest unemployment quotes to help you take your situation lightly.

1. Doing nothing is very hard to do. You don’t know when you are finished. - Leslie Nielsen.

2. The trouble with unemployment is that the minute you wake up in the morning you are on the job- Slappy White.

3. One of the main perks of being unemployed is that Mondays aren’t really bad- Anonymous.

4. Hate Mondays? Try Unemployment. - Anonymous.

5. Now joblessness isn’t just for philosophy majors. - Kent Brockman.

6. An acceptable level of unemployment means that the government economist to whom it is acceptable has a job. - Anonymous.

7. Unemployment is capitalism’s way of getting you to plant a garden. - Orson Scott Card.

8. I went to the psychiatrist and he says ‘’You’re crazy’’ I ask him for a second opinion. He says, ‘’ Okay you’re unemployed!’’- Anonymous

9. What will we do if we do not get a job?

With so many people unemployed, they will have to hire people to process unemployment claims. - Anonymous

10. You know you are unemployed too long when you whistle while the interviewer is talking- Anonymous

11. Unemployment is like a headache or a high temperature- unpleasant and exhausting but not carrying in itself any explanation of its cause- William Henry Beveridge

12. Research shows unemployment plays a role in early death. Unless you are a miner. – Anonymous

All the best.