There is power in reconciliation John 13:34,35

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God is the author of Reconciliation. To reconcile is to destroy the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility between two parties. Anyone who works out reconciliation is a friend of God.

Anyone who destroys relationships is not a friend of God. Forgiveness is the price to pay for reconciliation to take place. The greatest work of reconciliation ever done was God reconciling man to Himself (John 3:16).

The work of reconciliation has now been given to man (2Cor.5: 18, 19). Reconciliation:

1.Is a Command

2.Brings Healing

3.Works Restoration

4.Promotes Peace

5.Is an Act of Worship

Reconciliation is a key pillar of covenant relationships.

Reconciliation draws nations to Christ (John 13:34, 35). Reconciliation invites God’s blessings (Psa. 133). Broken relationships are open doors for the devil, diseases, discouragement, wars, and confusion to take place. Unresolved grudges don’t just go away – they need resolution.

Unresolved grudges can affect the destinies of individuals, families, churches, organizations, careers, businesses, cities, Nations etc.

Jacob sought Esau his twin brother and their reconciliation was a blessing (Gen. 33). Reconciliation is possible today through the power of the Holy Spirit.