
The menace of lovers’ Is cohabitation the new trend amongst university students?

The trend of students living together and having a sexual relationship without being married has led to the emergence of a growing culture in most colleges and universities.

Some call it campus marriage but I would rather call it “cohabitation” among students. Since it’s an indecent or rather some would say the “look cool” act penetrated off campus.

 This growing trend is gradually eroding the 'near absent' level of morality among the youths.

I would prepare to describe it as a deadly trend in Kenya’s colleges and universities.

Taking a closer look on our campus today, unmarried student do not only live together but some of them engage in sexual activities, among other things which married a couple, do (cohabiting).

 The reason why students cohabit are not far-fetched, some students who agreed to have their minds on this issues say it is by living together that the so-called 'couple' get to know if they are compatible or not for marriage.

Thus is the reason why they take the period of living together as “husband and wife” as a period to test their compatibility.

 While some cohabiting students find it difficult to live apart because of the strong physical intimacy between them, the addictive prowess of sex makes them confuse sex for love.

A relationship that has a strong dependency on sexual intimacy makes it quite difficult for the ‘couples’ to receive other problems.

 They begin to use sex as a way of convincing themselves that the relationship is moving fine.

Instead of the sexual act being a life-given act of mutual love, it is becoming a life-drawing and self-abuse of the other part.

 Many are times, the need for companionship and fear of loneliness becomes so strong among students that they begin to think they cannot wait for marriage before living together.

This eventually leads to insecurity especially on the part of the ladies.

 A student of one of the leading private universities in Kenya who lives with his girlfriend said ‘It is not wrong; it is an opportunity for them to know each other better’.

Other students who responded on this matter said they decided to cohabit for economic and financial reasons among others.

To some others students, it is for this reason that male students are not allowed to enter into the female hostels.

So they opt for accommodation off campus to have access for propinquity to their pattern.

 In this sophisticated world, where people have freedom to live their lives the way they choose, the youth especially students are not left behind in this trend.

They express their freedom by living independently with fellow students of the opposite sex, outside the promise of marriage particularly among those who live off campus.

First, the greatest problem mankind is facing is not producing children, but taking care of them.

One needs to be told that many people are where they are today, because of the effort or failure of their parents.

How are you planning to take care of your children so that they should have a brighter future or are you planning to leave them at the mercy of God?

That is good, but a stitch in times saves nine. Build yours solidly and leave the rest to God.