
Is Engineer Amadi the man Vihiga County has been waiting for?

For the last four or so years, Vihiga County has made headlines all but for the wrong reasons. Despite its smaller size and population, the county is yet to make any significant development since the introduction of the devolved governments that brought resources closer to the people.

 With other counties enjoying the fruits of devolution, Vihiga County has only managed to be dogged with cases of corruption that has seen a few individuals amass wealth at the expense of the locals.

However, as the August election fast approaches, the locals are optimistic that they will be able to change all this at the ballot.

The seat that has attracted a sizeable number of aspirants is the gubernatorial seat.Both the Vihiga MP Hon. Yusuf Chanzu and the Emuhaya legislature Hon. Wilber Otichillo seeking to replace the cleric turned politician governor Akaranga.

On the other hand the emergence of Engineer Amadi that seems to be making headlines in villages as the man set to transform Vihiga.

In the course of last week, the now popular Engineer Amadi organized a special Training for over 1000 ANC Aspirants and leaders drawn from the 5 sub-counties that make up Vihiga county as he stepped up his campaigns to not only win the Mudavadi led ANC Party ticket but also go all the way to unseat the incumbent.

During the training, which was facilitated by leading scholars, the aspirants were taken through best practice in communication when it comes to political campaigns.

They were also taken through the aspect of good leadership & devolution plus how to manage their political campaigns.

That notwithstanding, many locals believe that having successfully planned for Kakamega county as the chief planner, Eng. Amadi stands a better chance of transforming Vihiga from the current state to what the residents need.

Kakamega is among the best performing counties and hence the reason the locals yearn for the same to be replicated in Vihiga, and that probably can be through their own son Eng. Amadi.

Meanwhile, before thinking of unseating Governor Akaranga, Eng. Amadi has to fight it out with Hon. Yusuf Chanzu, who is an experienced hand in politics, for the ANC Ticket.

 So far, the battle lines between the two camps have been drawn with each trying to show the reason as to why he stands out a better chance to not only unseat the incumbent but also transform Vihiga.