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The report by the public service commission that some tribes in Kenya are over represented while others are underrepresented didn’t catch me with a surprise. This is a revelation that tribalism is alive and well in Kenya. The claim by the present government that it has ensured equity in its appointments appears to only be a mere pronouncement which doesn’t exist beyond our lips.
As Kenya seeks realization of 2030 vision it should ensure that there is equity in all government offices. It will be of no use if few tribes especially those in power are the one on threshold. Those left out will be on the losing end as they will not be part of it. Who will channel the ideas of underrepresented tribes? Will those overrepresented tribes handle the minority well?
The trend doesn’t end in the national government only but it has maneuvered its way into our counties. Those who hold various county posts are of the same tribe with governors. To end tribalism in Kenya is a hard nut to crack but it is high time we stop it.
First remedy is to cease viewing each other on the blinkers of tribal, religious and political affiliations. This is why government appointments are not inclusive of other communities deemed to be in opposition or didn’t vote for the present day government. Even the current cabinet didn’t consider this aspect. The notion that appointment should be based on merit is unfair. Almost all tribes in Kenya have qualified individuals in various disciplines courtesy of the system of education we have.
There should be a policy to ensure that there is equity in government appointments. The policy should provide certain percentage each tribe should have in the government appointment irrespective of their political affiliation. Some of the problems the country is facing bud from tribalism. If every Kenyan will be represented then tribalism will be a history in our midst. Marginalized or underrepresented tribes do not have a voice to channel their grievances.
Furthermore, corruption which is a chronic disease can also be terminated when we end tribalism. The tendency to have one tribe in state office gives loopholes for mass accumulation of property through dubious means.
Kenya has the potential to develop just the same as developed country if only we bid bye to tribalism.