Protect Kakamega forest from destruction

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Kakamega forest is facing extinction due to deforestation by neighbouring dwellers.

Although the outer parts of the forest are intact, a walk inside reveals grand destruction. There are many loggers and charcoal burning sites inside. There is also encroachment on the upper side by squatters towards Malava part of the forest.

One wonders what Kenya Forest Service rangers are doing to protect this valuable forest.

Local dwellers are no longer afraid of felling trees in the forest for firewood, logs or charcoal. Someone must be sleeping on the job. Is there any higher authority that the Kenya Forest Service branch in Kakamega answers to?

Kakamega forest is the only tropical rainforest and Kenya’s remaining part of Africa’s once famous Guinea-Congolian rainforest that was widespread in Africa before. This therefore should be in itself, pride enough for Kenyans to protect the forest.

It really saddens that things are already getting out of hand.