Naivasha the getaway next door

Naivasha is undoubtedly one of the most sought-after holiday destinations, attracting people from across the country and globally. The vast holiday destinations have raised Naivasha’s profile, making it an increasingly favourite spot for holiday seekers.

Lake Naivasha itself is special in that it is fresh-water, making it a great place to spot the birds of prey that come to feed on the fish.? Many hippos can be seen lazing in the waters on the northern shore, and during the night they come into the most of the lodges’ grounds.

The tourist sites within Naivasha includes Lake Naivasha, The Hells Gate National park, the famous Hell’s Gate gorges, the Lake Elementaita, Mt Longonot National reserve and Mt Longonot in the horizon, among others.

There is plenty of accommodation in Naivasha at different rates that average between Sh10,000-20,000 per double room a night on full board, depending on the lodges.

The terrace outside Sunbird Lodge.

The Naivasha tourism circuit boasts of hotels and lodges such as Enashipai Resort, Lake Naivasha Country Club, Sopa Lodge and Resort, Kongoni Lodge, Fish Eagle Inn, Lake Naivasha Resort, Great Rift Valley Lodge and Golf Resort, Fishers Towers and the famous Crayfish Camp, that is a favourite for those who would love camping.

There is the Hell’s Gate National Park, which has the gorges. This park has savannah grassland complete with herds of grazing herbivores such as zebras, antelopes, warthogs, giraffes, buffaloes and the elusive black -faced colobus monkey.?

This park also has one of the world’s best rugged scenery, including an escarpment that forms a lovely backdrop if you find a family of buffalo on the hoof. 

Hell’s gate makes for an excellent opportunity to combine wildlife and landscape photography.

Then there is the gorge where sequences from Tomb Raider were filmed. Ol-Njorowa gorge is a highlight of any visit to Hell’s Gate National Park, and as there is no viewpoint out over the gorge, the only way to explore it is on foot.

It’s not a long or difficult hike, as the gorge is not deep, but you will need to scramble on sections descending into the gorge and climbing out again. Make sure your guide takes you to the devil’s kitchen!

Birds’ paradise

Lake Elementaita is home to flamingos, great white pelicans and great crested birds among others. Apparently, it is a paradise for any bird watcher. In June last year, Lake Elementaita was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Sites for the birdlife around them.

Lake Elementaita got its name from the Maasai word Muteita that means ‘dust place’. The lake was chosen because of its wide variety of bird life and an array of campsite for nature lovers.

The Mt Longonot ecosystem major wildlife attractions include buffaloes, elands, lion, leopard, bushbucks, common zebra, giraffe, grant gazelles, Thomson gazelles and many other antelopes. Other attractions include the extinct volcano and the crater forest.

The tourism activities within Naivasha involves bird watching, hiking, game drives, cycling, nature walks, balloon rides, boat trips and fishing, horse riding amongst others.