
Why condoms break and what you should do

Kenya's condom program is heavily donor-funded, requiring KES 1,117,850,400 with a resource gap of KES. 803,235,120 (71.9%) in 2021.

To ensure that every sexually active person in Kenya has access to a sustained supply of quality condoms, correct knowledge, skills, and motivation to use them correctly and consistently to prevent transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases and unintended pregnancies is necessary.

In 2021, 190 110 760 male condoms were distributed against a need for 424 million condoms. 3,090,000 million female condoms were distributed in 2021 against a need for 8,206,345 condoms. This is 14.6 condoms per man per year against a global target of 40 condoms per man per year. In terms of usage, 45 per cent of males between the ages of 15-49 years use condoms, while 24 per cent of females aged between 15-49 use condoms.

The average number of sexual partners is 2.3 among women and 7.4 among men. Even with such glaring discrepancies, the sad reality is that a group of people do not know how to use condoms, says Victor Ololo from AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) Kenya. He adds that condoms burst because users are either in a hurry, or the condoms are not well-lubricated.

Ololo explains how a condom should be used. Here's the correct procedure:

  • Take the condom, and check the expiry date.
  • Cut it from the rough side,
  • Remove it and gently roll it down an erect penis
  • Keep it the entire duration.
  • If you need another round, wrap the used condom and use a fresh one.

Female Condoms

  • Check if the package is not damaged.
  • Open and remove it.
  • There are rings on both sides.
  • The closed end goes inside the vagina after you squeeze it together.
  • The open side of the condom is left outside.
  • You can put it in up to 8 hours before having sex.
  • To make the insertion easier, raise one leg while lying down or squatting.
  • After sex, squeeze the outer ring ensuring the man's fluids are intact.
  • Wrap the condom and dispose of it.