Raiders return police uniforms, bullets

Baringo, Kenya: Pokot raiders who ambushed and killed 21 Administration Police officers in Kapedo, Baringo County, have surrendered uniforms and belts belonging to four of the slain officers.

Through community elders and local professionals, the bandits also handed over 19 bullets and one explosive device commonly referred to as FRG to the local administration.

Tiaty Sub-county's Deputy County Commissioner Daniel Kurui said the explosive is propelled by a gun and is capable of causing massive damage.

On October 30, an unknown number of Pokot raiders stole thousands of bullets and several FRGs from the slain officers and fled to the rocky Silale Hills where they have been hiding.

The handing over of the equipment occurred hours before a deadly bandit attack in Arabal, Baringo South, by Pokot raiders, who made away with close to 1,000 head of cattle. According to Pokot elders, the animals were driven through Chepkalacha plains to Silale Hills.

Police warned

"Senior security officers were warned about the impending attack three days ago, but they ignored the warning," said a Pokot elder.

He wondered why the Government had not deployed military helicopters to track down he attackers and recover the stolen animals.

The angry elder urged the Government to monitor KDF activities in the county, saying the military security operation had flopped.

Although the military operation in the area has seen 19 of the 22 firearms belonging to the officers slain in Kasarani near Kapedo recovered, local leaders and residents want the soldiers removed from the area.

They accuse the security agents of torching houses, looting and beating up residents, adding that recovery of the guns has largely been due to the intervention of elders and professionals from the Pokot community

The army and other security agencies have engaged in a blame game over the accusations, with each group refusing to take responsibility for the alleged atrocities committed against residents.

An assistant chief in the area was recently shot twice while pursuing raiders.