Interview: Kenyans consume, on average, four cups of yoghurt per year


Mr. Oliver Mary, Marketing Director of Dalamere Dairy explains company’s short term strategic plan

Question: Please outline the Delamere Dairy short-term strategic direction.

Answer: Delamere Dairy was launched into the market in 1927 and has been the ?rst yoghurt brand in the market. It has an incredible heritage and is perceived by our consumers as the expert in yoghurt.

Our current fruit yoghurts are targeting niche customers. Today you will end very premium niche yoghurts in the market on one side and often the others on the other side.

 It means that the majority of Kenyan consumers have no access to fruit yoghurts. Our objective as Delamere, is to be the best value for money, to produce high quality yoghurt with real fruit, no preservatives and exciting varieties at an a)ordable price.

We foresee an outstanding growth for the yoghurt market in the coming years. Consumers are very reactive to innovations in yoghurt, so we will bring more fresh and exciting new product

Q: What are the Delamere Dairy expansion plans for yoghurt?

A: Delamere Dairy recently launched new yoghurt varieties like Pear Caramel and Lemon Biscuit in a very innovative cup and design. This is just the beginning of the journey and we will constantly bring new experiences to our consumers who are eager to discover new varieties.

Q: Describe the market share of yoghurt in the country.

A: There are three main reasons for consuming yoghurt. First, it is refreshment especially during hot periods. It is a nutritious snack bringing all essential nutrients namely Calcium, Protein, Vitamins etc; and it is tasty. You will not ?nd many snacks on the market which can claim to be nutritious, tasty and refreshing.

Strawberry and Vanilla used to represent 80 percent of yoghurt sales, making yoghurt to limit customers’ choice. We have responded to customer questions by re-launching our new varieties.

The current Delamere success shows that consumers are ready for new experiences.

The consumption of yoghurt per capita is still very low in Kenya at around one kilogram per hab per year. It means that Kenyans consume, on average, four cups of yoghurt per year!

the dairy industry has a wonderful opportunity to grow the consumption of yoghurt, and yoghurt is made with more than 90 percent of milk. It will bring a lot of value to the value chain.

Q: Please explain the technology that is being used to produce yoghurt.

A: Yoghurt is a natural product so the process is quite simple and 100 percent natural and can also be done at home. Take good quality milk, pasteurize it (heat at 95 degrees to kill all harmful bacteria) and then add a natural ferment to transform the milk into yoghurt. Here, the quality of the milk is very important for the fermentation to transform milk into yoghurt. After cooling, you can add fruits and flavours.

Q: In terms of Research and Development how would you describe Delamere position?

A: The main innovation is the fact that now we don’t use any preservatives in our yoghurt and this is possible only with very strict hygiene and high quality milk.

Q: What are some of the investments Delamere Dairy has put in place to produce yoghurt?

A: We have invested in two new high-speed packing machines and few other equipment to face the fast growth of Delamere range.

Sales have been doubled I in only two weeks to become the number one fruit yoghurt in Kenya.

Q: How much is the Delamere investment worth?

A: We have invested about Kshs 100 million for the relaunch of Delamere Brand. This is mainly through communication, promotion and a lot of sampling. Our products are our best brand ambassador.


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Dalamere Dairy