Yes we can!

Tony Ngare

If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer. That was US President-elect Barack Obama addressing a victory rally in Chicago.

However, four days later, in London another prolific individual was also making a speech; only this time the rally must have been slightly over 30 individuals. It was in Arsenal’s dressing room and the speaker was none other than Arsene Wenger.

If there is anyone out there who still doubts that Emirates is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our supporters worldwide is alive in our time, who still questions the way we play our football, tonight is your answer! Yes we can!


Going into the match, Arsenal were the clear underdogs despite playing at home against Manchester United. Actually a number of Arsenal stalwarts decided to give the match a skip hoping to escape the near inevitable taunting and goading that is notorious with United supporters. Well they missed a big party. The match, like many before this was a high-octane affair. An end-to-end and intense seesaw of both football and emotions.

If United should have kept out Nasri’s first, his second was unstoppable.

It was one of the moves of the season. It was an exquisite exchange. A 17-pass affair involving all but Mikael Silvestre of Arsenal’s outfield players, and climaxed in Samir Nasri letting fly an out of this world thunderbolt from 20 yards.

The display was so exhilarating that even Sir Alex Ferguson owned up. "Sometimes you have to hold your hands up and say that, if you’re going to be beaten, make sure it is against a team that plays football".


United’s BRR combination of Berbatov, Rooney and Ronaldo came short of Arsenal’s swashbuckling display.

But you got to give it to United. There is no other team in the league — perhaps Chelsea and Liverpool included— that can attempt to play free flowing football at Arsenal’s backyard without resulting to sickening tactics.

With 2-0 up it should have felt comfortable for Gunners, but after the Spurs capitulation, no Gooner felt safe. United continued to show profligacy in front of goal. Rooney and Ronaldo were out of sorts and failing to hit the target on numerous occasions.

With a minute of regular time Rafael da Silva volleyed home a screamer and many Arsenal fans must have thought Oh my… we have been here before.

When Rafael came in for Gary Neville, someone next to me pointed out that he looked more like Sasha Obama than a footballer.

Wenger will pray that his side can stop fluctuating and find consistency. The big four will continue to take points off each other so it will be a case of which team can keep grinding out results against everyone else.

Pep talk

As the players had a snack together after the game, Wenger must have continued to paraphrase Obama’s speech.

While we breathe, we hope. And where we are met with cynicism and doubts and those who tell us that we can’t, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people: Yes, we can win the Premiership this season!

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