
Mary Ojode: I'm vying for Homa Bay Women Rep to preserve my husband's memory

Mary Ojode, the widow of former Assistant Minister for Internal Security Joshua Orwa Ojode has opened up on how she escaped death by a whisker the day her husband died in a helicopter crash 10 years ago.

Since then, Mary has avoided talking to the media about her last moments with her husband.

When The Nairobian caught up with her at her home in Unga village, Ndhiwa Constituency during the commemoration of Ojode’s 10th anniversary on Friday, Mary, who has since joined politics, opened up on the experience.

She said on the fateful day she had also planned to travel with her husband but he said they should not travel together.

“Ojode had stayed out for a long time when he was on official duty. So I wanted to travel with him so that we could come home together. I did not want to be alone in the house.” 

But Ojode stopped her from tagging along, promising to return to Nairobi on the same day.

“He told me to remain in the Nairobi house because he would be returning soon. Unfortunately, the only news I heard before the day ended was that of his death.” 

Since that time, Mary has been organising various competitions in commemoration of her husband. But this year was rather a quiet one, only celebrated with close family members.

Ojode and former Internal Security minister George Saitoti died in a plane crash on June 10, 2012, in Ngong. They were travelling to attend a fundraiser at Nyarongi Catholic Church in Ndhiwa.

Ojode, who was Ndhiwa MP at the time of his death, was popular in Nyanza due to his generosity and efforts to empower residents through education and job creation.

The big man was nicknamed ‘Sirkal,’ the Luo word for government.

His death was described as a serious setback not only for the people of Ndhiwa but the entire Nyanza region. Mr Ojode is remembered for the improvement of the sugar industry at Riat village and a Co-operative Bank in Ndhiwa town.

Mary has ventured into politics as a way of preserving Ojode’s memory. She is vying for the Homa Bay Woman Rep position on a DAP-K party ticket. Mr Ojode’s deeds give her an advantage in her campaigns going by how her husband interacted with the residents.

“I did not know the kind of network my husband had with the people outside Ndhiwa constituency until I started my campaigns. A number of people outside Ndhiwa have come to me saying they owe me their support because of how Mr Ojode empowered them,” Mary said.

Her entry into politics, she said, is motivated by the weaknesses in the county’s political leadership.

“What pains me the most is that many people still fetch water for consumption from the roadside in our county. They share the water with cattle, donkeys and dogs. Markets are also filthy yet they generate revenue. Homa Bay County is still lagging behind,” Mary said.

Her objective is to empower women, the youth and persons with disabilities.

“Being a widow I understand the tribulations widows undergo. My intention is to empower women,” she said. Mary’s campaign encompasses civic education by helping residents understand the functions of a woman representative.

“I also educate them on their rights and what to expect from political leadership so that they can make the right choices in the August polls.” She is competing against Molline Ngala (independent), Joyce Osogo (ODM) and Tabitha Nyandiek (Independent).