President Ruto reassures Kenyans in diaspora of government support

President William Ruto. [PCS]

President William Ruto has said the government appreciates the economic contribution made by Kenyans in the diaspora.

Ruto, who was speaking during the Diaspora Investment Conference held in Nairobi on Wednesday, December 13, said his administration was committed to putting up necessary measures to support Kenyans in the diaspora to achieve their goals.

The president assured Kenyans living abroad that their security in host countries will be taken seriously. He encouraged participants in the conference to work hard to earn more from the opportunities that were coming up, with the country adopting the bottom-up economic transformation model that was gathering pace.

According to the Head of State, the government is working round the clock to ensure all services are digitised to ensure efficient delivery of services.

Digitise services

He said during his first meeting in the diaspora in December 2022, he committed to decentralise, automate and digitise as many government services as possible.

The president informed the conference that the government had expanded the digital provision of public services to encompass 14,000 services and those in the diaspora can access them online.

Further, he told the forum that the government has rolled out the Mobile Consular Service which has now covered 22 countries and served over 9,000 Kenyans abroad at the closest points to where they live.

“To connect our highly skilled and innovative human capital with employment opportunities, we have developed the Global Labour Market Strategy that will facilitate Kenyans, especially the youth, to find work abroad,” said the President at the conference whose theme was ‘Tujenge Kenya: Bridging Borders, Building Futures’.

Prime Cabinet Secretary and Foreign Affairs and Diaspora Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi told the conference that Kenyans misunderstood the government’s plan to privatise some institutions.

“I would like to inform my fellow citizens that the government does not intend to dispose of some institutions like the Kenyatta International Convention Centre as it is being claimed, it is out to privatise them,” said Mudavadi.