President Ruto: We will deal with violence at whatever cost

President William Ruto addressing journalists on Interventions in Agriculture,at State House, Nairobi. [PCS]

President William Ruto has vowed the Government will stop at nothing in dealing with any form of violence and destruction of property.

Speaking on Thursday at Konza Techno City in Machakos County where he conferred a charter to Open University of Kenya, the head of State said his Government will not bow to threats and intimidation to allow anarchy to derail the country's stability.

"I have said that it will never happen again in Kenya. Violence, destruction of property and inciting Kenyans against one another will not be allowed," Dr Ruto said.

He said the Government will deploy all resources at its disposal to ensure peace and order is restored.

"Whatever it takes, we will mobilize all the available resources to secure the lives of Kenyans and their property and ensure Kenya is firmly on the foundation of a peaceful nation because violence undermines our democracy, development, prosperity and standing as a nation," he said.

Ruto's sentiments come even as the country waits with baited breath for the outcome of the second round of bipartisan talks scheduled between the Azimio One Kenya and Kenya Kwanza Alliance.

The President defended his Government's fiscal policy measures which have been criticized by the opposition as oppressive and punitive, saying they had begun bearing fruit.

"For the first time in ten years, we were able to disburse counties' cash in July to the last cent. We have also increased the National Government Affirmative Action Fund (NGAAF) to sh 1 billion," said Ruto.

Machakos Deputy governor, Francis Mwangangi declared the county's leadership under governor Wavinya Ndeti had resolved to work with the Kenya Kwanza administration in order to accelerate development in Ukambani's richest county.

Mwangangi said it was the position of the county leadership that violent demonstrations will not be entertained as they did not serve any interests of the local residents.

"Governor Wavinya's administration is going to work with Kenya Kwanza so that the people can gain from the National government. Let us have a different approach in addressing political disputes other than violence." said Mwangangi.

The DG lamented that the sh 700 million loss occasioned by the vandalism of the Nairobi Express way by hooligans in Mlolongo was enough to put up a level 5 hospital facility.

Mwangangi urged Ruto to guard democracy even as he engages with talks with the opposition. "Ruto won the election against the 'system' and the courts also affirmed his victory. Although the door of dialogue is open, the President should not compromise the established principles of democracy which gives the winner of any election to enjoy the privilege," he said.

Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr steered away from power politics, urging the President to complete various development projects in Makueni.

Kilonzo Jnr lobbied for the tarmacking of Emali-Ukia road, saying it will open up the lower Eastern region to the Northern frontier counties.

"The Namanga-Kajiado-Emali-Ukia-Garissa road is the only economic corridor in the region and will spur growth in Kajiado, Makueni, Machakos and Garissa Counties. The extension of the national fibre optic cable from the county commissioner's office headquarters to the rest of the public offices will also enhance digitization in service delivery," said Kilonzo Jnr.