MCAs are misusing powers to impeach- Lawyer Elisha Ongoya

His remarks come at a time when Meru MCAs have tabled a petition at the County Assembly seeking to impeach seven County Executive Members, the County Secretary, Chief of Staff and Chief Officers.

This is barely weeks after the Senate ruled in Mwangaza's favour, saving her from a second impeachment.

A lobby group in Meru County together with a section of its residents has begun the process of collecting signatures to dissolve the county government.

Addressing the press on Monday, November 20, the residents said that the wrangles between Governor Mwangaza and Meru MCAs are frustrating the implementation of development in that county.

"After the last Senate ruling we thought the MCAs and the Governor will now set aside their differences and work together. However, they continue to show us that they are not ready to work with the governor and that is why we have started this process," said Nick Mburugu, a resident of Meru County.

According to the residents, anyone who thinks is a better candidate than Mwangaza should challenge her in the ballot and not through endless impeachment motions at the expense of those who elected her.