Nyamira DG Gesami on spot over Nyaribo's impeachment bid

The party has expressed concerns about Gesami's extended absence from the county and his stance on the ongoing governance conflicts.

In a statement issued by the party's leadership, it was alleged that Gesami was working alongside certain politicians who had previously contested for the governor's seat in the last general election, with the goal of toppling the county's current leader for a potential takeover.

The party's chairman, also the MCA for Rigoma Ward and the Assembly's Majority Whip, Nyambega Gisesa, called upon Gesami to break his silence and declare his position on the heated impeachment debate, in which he may stand to benefit should it be successful.

"That is the only way the deputy governor can clear himself from these accusations," Gisesa said.

Gisesa, Governor Nyaribo, and Gesami were elected on a UPA ticket.

"Dr. Gesami stands to gain the most from the impeachment process, and he should publicly declare his stance before the County Assembly votes on the impeachment motion," said Gisesa.

However, Gesami denied the accusations but chose not to provide further comments on the impeachment matter.

"I have no involvement in the impeachment proceedings, but, at this point, I prefer not to make any additional statements regarding it," Gesami said on the phone.

Gesami and Nyaribo have experienced strained working relations over the past year, with the former accusing the governor of neglecting him in matters of governance.

A primary source of discord revolves around government appointments, with Gesami expressing dissatisfaction over the limited or non-existent slots he received in the governor's appointments.

"He unilaterally decided that the game we pursued together would be enjoyed solely by him, leaving me with no entitlement, not even the leftovers," Gesami previously said in December 2022, shortly after the two assumed office.

Nyaribo, while responding to the accusation, said his deputy was noncommittal to an agreement they had made regarding appointments.

"He recommended people who were not qualified for the jobs. I gave him the window to source for other names, but he instead insisted that we hire unqualified people. I wouldn't do that," Nyaribo said.

For the last six months, Nyaribo and Gesami have not shared a podium, with their issues being swept under the carpet. When President William Ruto visited the county about two months ago, Gesami was missing.

Some 15 MCAs have denied being used by any political forces to remove the governor from office.

The group includes Deputy Speaker Thadeus Nyabaro, Deputy Majority Leader Duke Masira and Minority Leader Minda Riechi.

"If anyone is thinking we are being sponsored, they should be informed that the case we have is the case of the people who elected us. We will fight to the end," Masira said.