Mwangi Wa Iria entry tightens Raila Odinga's grip on Mt Kenya

Wa Iria was eyeing the presidency on the Usawa Kwa Wote party ticket. He surprised many by relinquishing his bid and backing Raila. Wa Iria has been engaging the IEBC, seeking reasons why his application was thwarted.

"There is no turning back. I found that Raila is a trustworthy friend after he approached me during the challenges I encountered with the IEBC," he said. The governor added that he would engage volunteers to help campaign for Raila.

Suna East MP Junet Mohammed said Wa Iria is a committed leader who will work with others to ensure Raila wins the presidency. "The governor is a self-made politician who is truthful and focused," he said.

Before the entry of Wa Iria, only Pius Kinuthia Wambui and Nahashon Njogu, eyeing Murang'a senator and Kiharu parliamentary slots respectively, had been displaying Raila's posters.

John Kihoria, a political analyst in Gatanga, said Wa Iria's entry into Raila's campaign should not be underestimated.

But Murang'a Senator Irungu Kang'ata, who is hoping to replace Wa Iria, said the move will not make a big difference.

"Ruto will take the majority of votes in Murang'a and Mt Kenya region. Wa Iria's move is overtaken by events," Kang'ata said at a Kenya Kwanza ally.

Kihoria said Wa Iria relates well with the rural folk, who admire his ways of implementing development projects.

At Mumbi Grounds, he said the governor had thousands of people who attended to listen to Raila compared to the crowd that gathered at Ihura Stadium early in the year.

"Ignore Wa Iria at your own peril. He is a crowd mover," Kihoria said, adding that the Murang'a governor's entry into Cabinet would bring the county closer to the presidency, a position that Kiambu and Nyeri counties have enjoyed for a long time.

Lincoln Mutembei, a youth leader from Mt Kenya East, appreciated the coming of Wa Iria into Raila's campaign team, saying he is a trusted leader.

"After Wa Iria supported Raila's bid for the presidency, many Mt Kenya residents have renewed their confidence in Azimio," he said.

Kandara MP Jubilee candidate Peter Ngugi said Wa Iria backing Raila is a major boost. "I hope the teams working for Raila will be dedicated to ensuring he wins."