#KOT: Kenyans On Twitter or just Online Bullies?

Twitter wars or Twars as they are known to citizens are fast becoming a Kenyan specialty. For the better part of yesterday, Kenyans once again took to twitter and showed their cyber bullying under the #KenyaVsGhana.

The twar was triggered by a Kenyan on Twitter who, unprompted, tweeted:

Who’s ready for a #KenyavsGhana Match?  <!--[if mso & !supportInlineShapes & supportFields]> SHAPE  \* MERGEFORMAT

As usual Kenyans on Twitter (KOT) took up the challenge, roasting the Ghanaians for all their worth.

Ghanaians, who did not feel amused, did not take it lying down and defended their honor.

This comes just days after Kenya clashed with Nigerians for the umpteenth time under the #KenyaVsNigeria, following the visit of American tech-preneur and Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg. The Kenya vs Nigeria war ended after three days of continuous battle, with some claiming Kenya wont, yet others claimed the fight was a draw.

KOT is said to be the biggest online community on Twitter- they can bring CNN down to its knees, force a powerful personality out of office and even ensure arrest of politicians. It is yet to be seen whether other countries in Africa have such power.

This is not the first time Kenya and Nigeria have faced each other for a fist fight on twitter. In 2014, there was the #SomeoneTellNigeria and #SomeoneTellKenya that did not end quite well for the West African nation. South Africa and Mozambique are the other African countries that have also been roasted by KOT in the past. Zimbabweans have not also been spared as Kenyans lashed out after an alleged false defamatory article by Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe.

A number of parody accounts are created during such times such as Olesegun Obasanjo, Tiwa Savage, Yoweri Museveni, and even Raila Odinga. An observer of the twar may just conclude this is simply a friendly banner, but closer examinations of the twars prove otherwise.

The twars are currently morphing from friendly exchanges to degradation of citizens from both countries. The offensive jokes go to such timid extents of brewing hate and spurring cold wars between the countries. Paradoxically the choice of ‘murder’ weapon is the black skin tone – with some even referring to the other as ‘apes’.

#KenyaVsNigeria u can’t tell d difference between a Kenyan's hair and his face


#KenyaVsNigeria how is Nigeria's economy in recession? Are the witches & wizards on a go slow? 


The twars are quickly revealing the online communities as closeted racists, capable of stirring a load of internalized racism and offensive stereotypes.

According to Christine Mungao, a senior writer at mail and Guardian Africa, ‘The keyboard warriors are critical, hard-to-please, unforgiving watchdogs, who also torment the government relentlessly when it makes a blunder. That kind of broad freedom to criticize those in power is unique in Kenya’s neighborhood.’

It seems the only persons allowed to talk ill of Kenyans are Kenyans themselves.