President Uhuru should act on NYS graft claims

Kenya: The country needs to send a strong message to civil servants that corruption will not be tolerated.

Now that it appears things are not alright at the National Youth Service - which President Uhuru Kenyatta holds dearly- heads should roll.

We need to appreciate the fact that the Devolution Cabinet Secretary Anne Waiguru, under whose docket NYS falls, probably has “wolves” surrounding her.

Why are the systems so weak as to make it possible for hundreds of millions of shillings to be stolen?

It seems unless systems are made transparent, the annual theft will not stop.

President Kenyatta probably genuinely believed he had faithfully officials. But, they have left him and the CS embarrassed.

Have the culprits been locked up at this time as I am writing? The time for showing mercy is over.The President should closely monitor how the prosecution will go.

When they steal such huge amounts, they are taking everybody for a fool. They are especially taking the President and Waiguru for a fool.