Insurance firm targets five-million trees in environment protection drive


Kisumu County Commissioner Benson Leparmurijo, Kisumu Women's Prison Deputy Incharge Esther Ayodo and Pioneer  Insurance Kisumu Manager Jael Onyango inspect seedlings as they presided over tree planting of 168 seedlings at Kisumu Women's Prison during Pioneer Insurance Go Green national planting day. [Michael Mute, Standard]

The Company Chief Executive Officer David Ronoh who was speaking during a nationwide tree planting exercise initiative launch for the company staff held in Nairobi yesterday said that climate change mitigation measures require concerted efforts by all stakeholders.

Ronoh said that the exercise was being conducted by staff in all their branches across the country in recognition that their business has been adversely affected by Climate change just like other business entities which now calls for all to take charge in environmental protection.

“Trees are the lungs of our planet, playing a critical role in purifying the air, providing shade and supporting biodiversity, by planting trees we will actively combat climate change, reduce soil erosion and create greener urban spaces offering long-term environmental benefits,” said Ronoh.

The CEO said through their initiative of Trees and Schools for Kenya they had organized a nationwide planting with a total of 5,000 trees being planted yesterday with some clean-up efforts in parks, streets and public places as an exercise to keep the environment clean.

Ronoh said through interactive and hands-on activities they aim to educate students and communities about the importance of environmental conservation and with the necessary permission from the government they are out to ensure seamless execution of this initiative.

The General Manager in charge of Customer Experience and Marketing Timothy Mutua, said that the Company has identified schools in each county where they will initiate the programme in efforts to inculcate environmental conservation values among students.

He said that the core mandate of the company is empowerment which entails responsibility by acknowledging its carbon footprint bearing in mind that deforestation is one of the main causes of climate change with trees taking away carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Mutua said that according to the United Nations Global Forest Goals report 2021, 75 percent of emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic and usually occur when natural landscapes like forests are cleared and that with humans diminishing biodiversity they risk increasing pandemics.

He said that the company will also be offering bursaries to needy students from select schools in each of the 47 counties so as to ensure that they are able to undergo their studies without any interruptions caused by frequently being sent home in search of school fees.

“We are not only interested in planting tree seedlings which will become lush forests of tomorrow, but Pioneer Insurance Company is also planting academic seedlings through offering bursaries to needy students in order for them to be able to nurture their Education,” said Mutua.

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