Panga wielding gangs threaten Malindi tourism sector growth

Players in the tourism sector in Malindi have cited rising cases of insecurity in the resort town as an impediment to expanding of the sector.

Reports indicate that there are machete-wielding youth who attack tourists on the beaches and streets, snatch mobile phones and other valuables making it unsafe for holiday makers.

Speaking on the sidelines of events to mark World Tourism Day, stakeholders drawn from the Kenya Association of Women in Tourism (KAWT), Progress Welfare Association of Malindi (PWAM), Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry- Kilifi chapter and Baharini Women Beach Operators, the players called on the police to beef up security so as to assure tourists of safety.

Ocean Beach Resort and Spa General Manager Maureen Awuo said tourists are no longer secure as there are gangs that attack guests with pangas or knives.

“Initially, clients would come and go freely to the beach but now we tell them not to as it is not safe,” she said.

Eden House proprietor Ruth Roberto said there are no lights along the Malindi Casuarina road and gangs take advantage of that to attack tourists.

“It has reached a point where we tell our clients not to go out at night as it is not safe,” Roberto said.

PWAM chairperson Kate Mwikali said the celebrations were aligned with this year’s theme of Tourism and Peace.

She said tourism is driven by acts of kindness such as cleaning up the beaches and towns.

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