Mirithu Primary School gets free internet connection

When teacher Florence Nganga took her student and parent through the government-sponsored computer project at Mirithu Primary School in Ndeiya Limuru. [George Njunge, Standard]

A primary school in Kiambu received a major boost after getting a free internet connection to aid junior secondary school (JSS) students.

Mirithu Primary School in Ndeiya sub-county in Limuru benefited from the partnership with the internet distribution company.

The project is aimed at giving the children a level playground with their urban counterparts who have access to the internet.

Top Tech Global Solutions Director Kelvin Mwaniki said that the world is headed the digital way with the internet as the driving force.

“The world is fast moving to internet-based education and business. Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) requires the internet as a way of learning and exposing children and therefore they should have access to it for some of the assignments,” Mwaniki said

He explained that village schools, like urban institutions, need to be fitted with internet if CBC was to be fully realized and a level playground created.

“Whereas the children in urban centers like Nairobi, Kikuyu, Kabete and even nearby Limuru town have access to digital devices and internet the village children stand disadvantaged,” Mwaniki said.

The school head teacher Joyce Wanjiru Mirithu, said that the internet will go a long way in helping the learners to do tasks, especially the Junior Secondary School.

“Part of the homework for our JSS teachers are links on the internet and the pupils are required to use internet-enabled gadgets, answer the question after watching a video or listening. This being an interior school, most pupils are disadvantaged,” Wanjiru said

The head teacher expressed optimism that when the school is fitted with the internet, the students will be able to handle assignments.

“We are happy. We have been thinking of how to get internet but it has been expensive. We now don’t have a reason to fail in ICT-related studies,” she said.

James Mwando, a parent at the school lauded the internet connection.

“I know of parents in this school who have no access to smartphones, let alone internet. Therefore, with this generous gesture we shall have all these kids moving at the same speed,” Mwando said.

He challenged the government to prioritise internet connection to all schools for CBC to succeed.

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