Saboti MP Hamisi wants government to align with Vienna Convention on matters visa

By Sharon Wanga | Dec 18, 2023
Saboti Member of Parliament Caleb Hamisi

Saboti Member of Parliament Caleb Hamisi has criticized the government over its procedures of declaring foreign relations matters before seeking parliament's approval.

In an interview on December 12 on Spice FM, the MP said that the President has not been aligning with the Vienna Convention following his recent declaration that Kenya to become a visa-free country by 2024.

“In the world of diplomacy, visa exemption is a negotiation tool. The visa-free negotiation is done between two countries, there is never a universal exemption of Visas. We are guided by the Vienna Convention, diplomacy does not operate in a vacuum. Kenya has to choose if it’s a part of the Convention or not,” Hamisi posed.

He was referring to the declaration made by President William Ruto on Jamhuri Day that Kenya will be a visa-free country by next year.

Hamisi who is also a member of the Defense and Foreign Relations Committee said the visa exemption is like a parrot that countries dangle in return for bilateral ties.

“I petty most of our ministers because am sure even the Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi was not even aware of the President’s announcement.

Some of these roadside pronouncement that used to happen during President Moi’s time, they are now reappearing,” said Hamisi.

The legislature noted that the president should first seek parliament approval before making any declaration attached to foreign policies.

MP Hamisi further accused the Parliament of being “an extension of the executive” claiming that most of the motions tabled before the House are approved as a result of the influence.

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