Marinated fish with a touch of coconut

By Chef Ali Mandhry | Aug 31, 2024
Marinated fish with a touch of coconut (Photo: iStock)

What you will need:

1 whole fish (changu), cut into 4 pieces 

Salt to taste 

1 teaspoon garlic 

1/2 cup white vinegar 

Marinate the fish in the above ingredients and leave to stand for about 30 minutes. Discard the vinegar and pan-sear the fish in 3 tbsp of vegetable oil until golden on both sides. Set aside.

In a pot over medium heat put in in the:-

Pan-seared fish 

1 onion, diced 

1 teaspoon garlic mince 

2 tomatoes, diced 

1 raw mango, cubed 

1 teaspoon curry powder 

Himalayan pink salt (optional), use any salt 

2 cups water

Bring to a simmer, cover and cook for about 10 minutes or until the mangoes are soft. Serve with thick sticky coconut rice (mpunga) and a side of greens - we made coconut mboga ya kisamvu (cassava leaves) also known as sombe. 

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