Mulu Mutisya: An 'Illiterate genius' who became a legend in Kenya's political arena

By Silas Nyamweya | May 02, 2024
Mulu Mutisya. (Courtesy)

Mulu Mutisya was one of Kamba kingpins who was regarded by many as an “illiterate genius”, owing to the fact that he had minimal academic qualifications.

However, his wit and many talents made up for his academic inadequacies. As such, many leaders not only from Ukambani, but from across the country, respected him.

Mutisya is considered to have been a mentor of many political bigwigs from Kamba region.

The “father of the Kamba Community” is said to have passed his leadership mantle to Kalonzo Musyoka. 

He strongly protected the welfare of the Kamba community and ensured that his people benefited from the government goodies.

Mutisya was born in 1924 in Wamunyu, Machakos County. Sources say he only had minimal education.

His leadership had a strong influence not only in Machakos but the entire of Ukambani region.

Despite his poor education background, Mutisya was a renown businessman in the country. In 1961, he established the New Akamba Union, an organisation which he used as a tool for political mobilisation.

He was first nominated to Parliament in 1974 alongside Njenga Karume of Gikuyu, Embu, Meru Association (Gema) by the then president, Jomo Kenyatta.

He died in 2004 while aged 80. He left behind three wives and 16 children.

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