Government should address land grab menace with finality
Recent media reports on communities finding themselves internally displaced because some "owner or developer" has turned up to claim the land are disturbing.
By Elias Mokua 4 months ago
Government should address land grab menace with finality
Administering exams online for universities has many pitfalls
The examiners are to ensure exams have a blend of analytical, evaluative and creative questions for the student to demonstrate critical thinking in connecting concepts.
By Elias Mokua 5 months ago
Administering exams online for universities has many pitfalls
This is the right time for Kenya to fix its broken electoral system
We need to take our country more seriously for the sake of future generations if we don't care about ourselves.
By Elias Mokua 5 months ago
This is the right time for Kenya to fix its broken electoral system
Of servant leadership and why the Judas in Christians must die
When Jesus was hung on the cross, Judas realised the tragedy of his lust for money. He committed suicide. Since then, we know that money and power can mess up morally upright people.
By Elias Mokua 5 months ago
Of servant leadership and why the Judas in Christians must die
Artificial intelligence is bound to make parenting more difficult
AI is widening the digital divide so fast that the majority of the poor people in Africa will be teaching and learning using methods and tools that are way outdated.
By Elias Mokua 5 months ago
Artificial intelligence is bound to make parenting more difficult
What State aims to achieve by starving media of advertising
In countries such as Kenya where large private advertisers are limited, the government's decision to restrict advertising to its public broadcaster means that jobs are at risk.
By Elias Mokua 6 months ago
What State aims to achieve by starving media of advertising
Opposition can beat Kenya Kwanza even without Raila
Raila has been the face of the Opposition. Some have maliciously and consistently argued that they like him in the Opposition to hide their inner desires to control the government.
By Elias Mokua 6 months ago
Opposition can beat Kenya Kwanza even without Raila
Time for us to stop tolerating social disorders such as graft
The belief that the fight against social disorder such as corruption is too daunting a task only perpetuates the status quo.
By Elias Mokua 7 months ago
Time for us to stop tolerating social disorders such as graft
Relocating server will not end presidential electoral disputes
Relocating the server to Kenya without addressing the underlying political dynamics is akin to a placebo, offering superficial comfort without tackling the root causes of electoral discontent.
By Elias Mokua 7 months ago
Relocating server will not end presidential electoral disputes
Complacent middle class has abdicated its duty to society
The middle class, given their position and influence, can play a pivotal role in shaping policies that lead to a more equitable and just society.
By Elias Mokua 7 months ago
Complacent middle class has abdicated its duty to society
The folly of leaders who claim credit for government projects
In Kenya, the boundary between government-funded projects and personal political aggrandisement is increasingly obscured.
By Elias Mokua 7 months ago
The folly of leaders who claim credit for government projects
Parliament should protect its independence like the Judiciary
Elected leaders are the first line of defence for public interest while the Judiciary is the last line. The Executive is meant to be the implementer, not law creators or judges.
By Elias Mokua 8 months ago
Parliament should protect its independence like the Judiciary
Political stagnation is here and Kenyans will pay a heavy price
In political stagnation, those in government become intolerant of critique. They quickly fall into the trap of instant entitlement bias.
By Elias Mokua 8 months ago
Political stagnation is here and Kenyans will pay a heavy price
Don't privatise, deal with those messing up state-owned firms
Either cartels are running the companies, or the CEOs and top management of the said companies are incompetent to deliver on their mandates.
By Elias Mokua 8 months ago
Don't privatise, deal with those messing up state-owned firms
Jesus Christ's birth was meant to make us aware of social sins
The birth of Jesus Christ was never about festivities, important as they are, but about society recognising its shortness of the glory of God. For God, it was about redeeming society from social sin.
By Elias Mokua 8 months ago
Jesus Christ's birth was meant to make us aware of social sins
Our Opposition is falling short in these three critical areas
A robust Opposition is poised to seize any opportunity to question a government that is faltering.
By Elias Mokua 9 months ago
Our Opposition is falling short in these three critical areas
For democracy to thrive, a vote audit must reveal 'true' winner
The persistent call for server transparency ensued in the aftermath of contested presidential election results.
By Elias Mokua 9 months ago
For democracy to thrive, a vote audit must reveal 'true' winner
SAPs failed Africa in the 90s, why go back to them today?
Is Kenya undergoing a contemporary iteration of the Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs) that were implemented across Africa in the 1980s and 1990s?
By Elias Mokua 9 months ago
SAPs failed Africa in the 90s, why go back to them today?
Being truthful always is the hallmark of good leadership
Several government leaders have often made statements that not only dishonour the office they hold but also demean the Kenyans they purport to serve.
By Elias Mokua 10 months ago
Being truthful always is the hallmark of good leadership
Let's stop Kenya from becoming another backsliding democracy
There is no pride in pretending to have solved deep-seated genuine grievances that allow injustices to flourish and citizens lose hope in democratic ideals.
By Elias Mokua 10 months ago
Let's stop Kenya from becoming another backsliding democracy
Tell Kenyans why the cost of living has shot up drastically
The Kenya Kwanza government owes Kenyans an explanation as to why the cost of living has shot up drastically. What exactly are high taxes meant to achieve?
By Elias Mokua 10 months ago
Tell Kenyans why the cost of living has shot up drastically
This should be our news media and Opposition's common goal
To help build a culture of a strong Opposition that voices the concerns of the public, the media, particularly news media needs a conversion.
By Elias Mokua 10 months ago
This should be our news media and Opposition's common goal
Mavoko evictions and Kenya's 'accept and move on' culture
The Mavoko evictees need justice for the manner in which they have been thrown out. No action means they must accept and move on.
By Elias Mokua 10 months ago
Mavoko evictions and Kenya's 'accept and move on' culture
Engage in trauma bonding, but do not forget suffering Kenyans
Constructive criticism has up until now measured on positive tonality or, in other words quite frankly, positive skewness.
By Elias Mokua 11 months ago
Engage in trauma bonding, but do not forget suffering Kenyans
It's too early to ignore citizens and start campaigns for 2027
Just like it happened to BBI I, dissenting voices are threatening to stop the process. Simply, we are staring at another lost opportunity to press the wound in our political system.
By Elias Mokua 11 months ago
It's too early to ignore citizens and start campaigns for 2027
University degree must be more than just a means to clinch a job
What exactly is the value of a university degree? Getting a job? Getting requisite skills for a profession? Acquiring knowledge? A combination of these?
By Elias Mokua 11 months ago
University degree must be more than just a means to clinch a job
Only fools can believe higher taxes will turn around economy
With the cost of living soaring, top economic government advisors are mocking us for believing political rhetoric that things will be better should Kenya Kwanza come to power
By Elias Mokua 11 months ago
Only fools can believe higher taxes will turn around economy
Trump's claim shows elections are routinely rigged, never won
Trump has crushed my belief in these institutions and systems of governance. He has mercilessly deconstructed the US I had built in my head.
By Elias Mokua 1 year ago
Trump's claim shows elections are routinely rigged, never won
Africans cast their votes, but the West determines who leads us
A major reason the French empire in Africa is collapsing is that leaders are picked long before elections are held and imposed on people through a compromised electoral process.
By Elias Mokua 1 year ago
Africans cast their votes, but the West determines who leads us
Parliament should lead way in uprooting endemic corruption
Our Parliament is not the most inspiring institution in deterring corruption. The 'House of the People' as I prefer to call it, should be the one most sensitive and responsive to corrupt cases.
By Elias Mokua 1 year ago
Parliament should lead way in uprooting endemic corruption
Pegging State projects, services on people's loyalty is unfair
Across the country, many markets and bus stages are not used by the intended beneficiaries. Why? People are never consulted.
By Elias Mokua 1 year ago
Pegging State projects, services on people's loyalty is unfair
Stakes are high for Kalonzo and his team during bilateral talks
For the Kalonzo Musyoka-led team to the talks, the stakes are high. Uncomfortably high. Azimio supporters expect Kalonzo to make a statement of intent.
By Elias Mokua 1 year ago
Stakes are high for Kalonzo and his team during bilateral talks
Sagana State Lodge rice feast provides good food for thought
Feeding hungry people for the sole purpose of achieving a political end is exploitative.
By Elias Mokua 1 year ago
Sagana State Lodge rice feast provides good food for thought
Talks should be about electoral justice, not the cost of living
Let us be honest with ourselves. If a government cannot manage the cost of living for its people, does it still retain the legitimacy to be in power.
By Elias Mokua 1 year ago
Talks should be about electoral justice, not the cost of living
The opposition experiment has failed; let's now do away with it
Protests against the cost of living and a litany of other political grievances in Kenya elicit mixed feelings and deeper reflections on what democracy is all about.
By Elias Mokua 1 year ago
The opposition experiment has failed; let's now do away with it
Why Nietzsche would likely declare that God is dead in Kenya today
The unfortunate running battles between the police and the citizens in Kenya remind us of the fragility of human life. On the one hand, police are on duty executing commands as given.
By Elias Mokua 1 year ago
Why Nietzsche would likely declare that God is dead in Kenya today
Raila is not Kenya's problem, address real issues of concern
Kenya Kwanza, organise your house, sell a superior alternative to Kenyans so they can jump ship, if convinced.
By Elias Mokua 1 year ago
Raila is not Kenya's problem, address real issues of concern
Let's support Omtatah, other defenders of voiceless people
It takes extra physical and psychic energy to keep pushing for justice in a country where citizens have given up ever exercising their sovereignty meaningfully.
By Elias Mokua 1 year ago
Let's support Omtatah, other defenders of voiceless people
Government's missteps putting head teachers in a tight corner
Head teachers are caught between implementing policy directives on running schools within the provided funding guidelines and using creativity to keep learners in school
By Elias Mokua 1 year ago
Government's missteps putting head teachers in a tight corner
Ruto's CSs seem to be suffering from Peter Principle, kick them out
The Peter Principle states that people rise up the hierarchy to a level of incompetence. They cannot perform at that higher level.
By Elias Mokua 1 year ago
Ruto's CSs seem to be suffering from Peter Principle, kick them out
Governor Nyaribo survives impeachment
By Stanley Ongwae
19 mins ago